
Tourism Australia


Project Discipline

Winning pitch work
Motion graphics


M&C Saatchi
Executive Creative Directors: Mandie van der Merwe, Avish Gordhan
Design Director: Simone Cherry
Designers and Animators: James Jamias, Roderick Robles, Iva Madderom

Tourism Australia (2019-2020)

In 2018 with M&C Saatchi we won the business of Tourism Australia by pitching the idea of Philausophy. It is the latest evolution of the long-standing and successful There’s nothing like Australia global campaign platform. The new campaign is part of a deliberate move to elevate the strengths of Australia’s people, personality and way of life, which research shows is highly appealing amongst visitors.

I was involved in animating several pieces for social and Out of Home channels as well as the animated endframe.